Welcome to Bristol by Tats Cru

19 08 2011

At last night’s launch party for See No Evil at the Weapon of Choice pop-up art gallery in the Galleries, Inkie reserved some of his biggest enthusiasm for what was at the time being painted above Cafe Central by three members of Tats Cru from New York. Here is the finished work, a stunning mural of the trio sitting on a steel girder high above Bristol, a homage to the famous photograph, Lunchtime Atop a Skyscraper taken by Charles C Ebbets in 1932.

Here is the finished mural, which will hopefully remain in place for many years:

As I was taking the photograph of it this afternoon atop a window ledge of the Westgate building, a man appeared next to me, also taking a picture from the elevated vantage point. When he started speaking in a broad Bronx accent, I realised that he was one of Tats Cru. His name is Wilfredo Feliciano, aka Bio, and he is in the middle of the trio on the girder. Here he is chatting to a fan after admiring his handiwork: